Vulnerability & Patch Management Templates

Program-level Documentation

Having a proactive patching cadence and vulnerability management program is one of the most common weaknesses that companies face. Spending a small fortune on people and technology does little to reduce your risk if the processes do not exist to maintain those systems, applications and services. The good news is that ComplianceForge developed program-level documentation for businesses to help manage their vulnerability management and patching processes.

Can You Honestly Answer How Vulnerability Management Is Implemented At Your Organization?

When you "peel back the onion" and prepare for an audit, there is a need to address "the how" for certain topics, such as vulnerability management. While policies and standards are designed to describe WHY something is required and WHAT needs to be done, many companies fail to create documentation to address HOW the policies and standards are actually implemented. We did the heavy lifting and created several program-level documents to address this need and the Vulnerability & Patch Management (VPMP) is one of those products.

Elevate The Way You Approach Vulnerability Management

ComplianceForge currently offers two (2) product2 that is specifically designed to assist companies with vulnerability management:

The Vulnerability & Patch Management Program (VPMP) is program-level documentation that is an essential need for any organization to demonstrate HOW vulnerabilities are actually managed within an organization. Most companies run into issues during audits when the actual practices for vulnerability & patch management are looked at. The VPMP is meant to advance your organization to a mature level of vulnerability management and have the documentation to prove it! 

The Secure Baseline Configurations (SBC) is designed to help organizations manage the complex nature of secure baseline configurations for all its technology platforms. 

vulnerability and patch management

Browse Our Products

  • ComplianceForge Vulnerability & Patch Management Program (VPMP)

    Vulnerability & Patch Management Program (VPMP)


    Vulnerability & Patch Management Program  Product Walkthrough Video This short product walkthrough video is designed to give a brief overview about what the VPMP is to help answer common questions we receive. What Is The Vulnerability...

    $2,175.00 - $6,975.00
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  • ComplianceForge Secure Baseline Configurations (SBC)

    Secure Baseline Configurations (SBC)


    Secure Baseline Configurations For Technology Assets Product Walkthrough Video This short product walkthrough video is designed to give a brief overview about what the SBC is to help answer common questions we receive. What Is The Secure...

    $2,175.00 - $3,525.00
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